الأربعاء، 9 مارس 2016

12 Things You Should Expect From a Creative Director

It seems like EVERYBODY in advertising is a “creative director” these days. But the title means different things to different people. What’s fair to expect?

1. Help sort through the creative chaos to find those ideas with the most promise. The creative process generates a lot of ideas. Not all of them are golden. A good creative leader helps identify the best ones in their infancy and makes sure they have room to develop.

2. Focus and simplify the ideas. Sometimes an idea has a bunch of extra “stuff” on it and needs to be pruned. If you can’t explain your idea in a sentence, it probably needs to be simplified.

3. Collaborate with the other leaders on the team to stay focused on the goal: solving your client’s problems with inspired, original, effective creative work.No creative director can do it alone. He or she needs to work closely with the strategy, account and production leads to set a vision for both the internal team and the client.

4. Nurture, encourage, challenge, cajole and/or do whatever it takes to help make the work better. Managing creatives can be difficult; you need to know what sort of techniques to use with creative people to get their best work out of them. A good coach knows how to get the best out of each player; the same strategies don’t necessarily work for everybody.

5. Make decisions. A good creative director decides what’s moving forward and kills the rest. When you keep too many things alive for too long, you ask the team to keep too many balls in the air at once. Decisions allow your team to go deeper with the remaining ideas, making them richer and more effective.

6. Avoid phrases like “Just keep pushing it,” “Go ahead and blow it out,” and “Ten more just like that.” They are clichés for a reason—too many creative directors use them to fill the silence when they don’t know what to say. Actionable specifics is what the team needs to make work better.

7. Help figure out how the work will live in the world—that is, how real people will experience the campaign—which includes thinking through the PR and media strategy. Creative ideas have to live somewhere. If the media and PR strategy aren’t part of the thinking from the earliest stages, you’re missing a key element of the CD’s role.

8. Respect people’s time. People want go home and see their significant other or the kid or their dog or their TV or whatever. They don’t want to wait all night at the office for your email with a CD’s cryptic creative feedback. Be realistic about how much time people need to do the work and give them that time.

9. Present work in a way that makes it dynamic, compelling and entertaining. A good creative director needs to make a creative idea come to life well before it actually exists in the world. Not every CD has the same presentation style, but he or she needs to command the room when they are sharing work with the client.

10. Develop a good relationship with the human beings on the client side; people will only take risks and buy interesting work if they trust you. It’s not about “selling” an idea, it’s about understanding your client’s problems and finding a great, creative solution to that problem. Clients know when you’re in it for them or you’re just in it for the award.

11. Listen. Clients tell you what they need if you stop talking long enough to hear it.

12. Keep it fun. Advertising is supposed to be fun, remember? A great CD has a huge impact on the team dynamic and can help create an environment where people enjoy their work.

About the Author
John Kovacevich is a freelance creative director based in San Francisco.

الاثنين، 7 مارس 2016

Kita semakin kaya akan ilmu ketika kita solve problems

Tulisan di bawah ini cukup inspiring buat saya. Saya posting di sini. Penulisnya Adhe (Natali Ardianto), founder tiket.com. Saya banyak belajar (secara online) sama Adhe dan Cyrosurenya antara tahun 2001 hingga 2003.


Orang malas ya gini ini. Gimana mau maju. Memangnya mau hidupnya, rezekinya, ilmunya, di diskon 10%?

Saya yang sudah mencapai posisi sekarang, hampir tiap hari tidur jam 3 pagi. Kenapa? Karena di jam kantor sudah tidak bisa blas ngurus urusan sendiri. Bisanya hanya mensupport team dan bantu solve problems.

Malam hari ketika si kecil sudah tidur, baru mulai on lagi, reply-reply email, coding-coding lagi, analyze data, research, baca-baca buku dan docs/manual sampai berulang kali supaya hapal.

Kita semakin kaya akan ilmu ketika kita solve problems. Ketika kita kelas 1 SD, perkalian 5 x 2 sepertinya susah sekali. Tetapi sekarang, kita bisa menyelesaikannya di luar kepala. Kenapa? Karena kita solve that problem over and over sampai ngelotok di otak.

Masalahnya, orang malas ngga pernah take the extra effort to learn beyond what they already learn. Saya sebutnya unlearn and relearn. Masalahnya orang-orang malas itu mudah puas diri.

Saya orangnya very very detail. Ketika saya menyetir di jalan, saya tahu saya harus menyetir di lajur pertama, kedua, atau ketiga, saya perhatikan kapan ada lubang di jalan, kapan ada potensi mobil melambatkan diri karena harus muter balik, mana yang setelah lampu merah menjadi hijau, jalurnya jalannya lebih cepat karena semuanya satu jalur jalan lurus, tidak ada yg mencoba belok kanan.

Saya dulu kalau kebetulan ngga ada sopir, suka eksperimen lewat jalur-jalur aneh dan jalan tikus. Alhasil sampai sekarang jalan tikus itu dipakai terus karena bisa menghemat waktu tempuh hingga 33%.

Makanya suka sebel dulu waktu ada sopir, semisal dia over and over again made the same mistake, ambil jalur paling kanan dan terhenti jalannya karena ada mobil mau putar balik. Padahal yang harusnya sedetail itu khan sopir, karena hidupnya revolves around driving and roads.

Jangan sampai ya, pas jaman Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN nanti setelah 31 Desember 2015, kalian komplain karena ada orang dari negara tetangga yang mau kerja lebih dari 9 jam karena digaji sebesar Rp 2,8 juta/USD 215 (Karena Kamboja UMR-nya USD 128/month, Myanmar USD 55/month utk pegawai negeri).